How is the Feminine Consciousness working?
How does it impact a woman's life?
Do women really work in a different way than men?
Would you like to find out some answers to these questions?
Invite Gabriella for a talk and a discussion and find out!
It can be an intimate environment with just a small group of people or a more formal talk as a guest speaker at a networking event, a presentation, a summit, a workshop, a retreat or a conference, any situation can be catered for, send an inquiry and let’s chat about it …
Would you like to leave a legacy for future generations?
‘My vision of ‘The Woman of the XXI Century’ is a woman that I am striving to embody on a daily basis and want to spread the word about to the rest of the world! I hope you want to join me in this silent but compelling revolution to create a new Woman!
Would you like to live your life as a pioneer?
Gabriella Guglielminotti Trivel of Flying Inspiration speaks at Lift Effects event: ‘The Next Level’ and shares her story with the audience to make people think what is their ‘Next Level’? She shares her story of her life in London, divorce, her adventure to Antarctica, her book, her work with women and her vision: ‘The Woman of the XXI Century’
Would you like to finally accept your femininity and feel great about it?
‘Are women a mystery or is there a clue to them?’ is Gabriella’s talk at The Festival of Life in London in September 2014. She shared with the audience how women’s body works and the secrets behind women’s behaviour during the month. The feminine cycle is Nature’s gift to women to become more aware of themselves and learn to share their wisdom with their partners and the world.
How would you feel if you could find in yourself that centre of gravity that is there for you all the time?
In her talk ‘How to find your inner centre as a woman’, Gabriella of Flying Inspiration shared her knowledge about the feminine cycle as it is a paramount and necessary wisdom that women have and can use to find their inner centre and be successful in life. This grounding and life changing knowledge can enhance a woman’s life and help her feel happy and fulfilled.
Life can be heaven and bliss when you are in tune with your inner wisdom
In her talk ‘PMS curse or cure?’ at ‘Celebrating Being a 21st Century Woman’ event in London, Gabriella Guglielminotti Trivel talks about the pre-menstrual syndrome and why it affects women in our society. Instead of being a curse it could be a cure in disguise, if women would listen more to their body wisdom …
Learn to use your cycle to achieve success and abundance
Contribution of Gabriella Guglielminotti Trivel to the talk ‘Getting things done: shifting the mind set from time management to energy management’ with Patty Cruz-Fouchard and Rugie Wurie Lamin at the WEF conference in London. 31st January – 2nd February 2017 at the Bhavan Centre.
Your cycle can be your best friend and teach you to be your beautiful Self!
‘Beauty and Wellness’ talk by Gabriella Guglielminotti Trivel of Flying Inspiration at the WEF conference in London at the Bhavan Centre on 2nd February 2017.
What is that thing that all women have and that makes them beautiful and feel great when they are aware of it?
Watch and find out for yourself …
What is that thing that all women have and that makes them beautiful and feel great when they are aware of it?
Watch and find out for yourself …
Would you like to hear something exotic and chilling?
Ask Gabriella to tell you about her adventure in Antarctica in 2008 if you would like to hear the burning story behind her book ‘Antarctic Odyssey a New Beginning’
Would you like to hear Gabriella talk
about other subjects to your group or audience?
Just get in touch and send her an inquiry asap
or have a chat with her to see what we can organise together,
sky is the limit!