Gabriella in the Press
On this page you can find the magazines where Gabriella appeared or where she wrote articles about womanhood, the female cycle, the feminine energy and consciousness or about her book ‘Antarctic Odyssey a New Beginning’ and her journey to Antarctica in 2008.

Daily Mail
May 2008
'Can you survive the 7th year itch?'

'Soul & Spirit'
May 2011
'Period Power'

Natural Health
October 2011
'Go with the Flow'

Soul & Spirit,
October 2011
'Clear out the clutter!'

Inspirational Woman Magazine, January 2012
'Bliss and your menstrual cycle'

Migrant Woman,
October 2014
'A Woman of the XXI Century'

She who knows,
Autumn 2016
'Being childless'

Roar Magazine
January 2018
'Women are dangerous'

CEO Create Evolve Overcome
December 2018
'I am enough, even when I am wobbly'
Website presence
These are some websites where Gabriella's articles appeared.
- Gabriella’s work was mentioned in a blog by Katy Louise Evans in February 2011: ‘Why menstruation should be celebrated!’
- and in ‘Period power!’ in March 2011
- Gabriella is featured on the Blue Labels Boutique website with the video ‘Fearless Woman’
- February 2014, inuklocal ‘Antarctica a world apart’
- ‘How to help yourself and make your business flourish’
- ‘Womb awareness for women of the XXI century’
- July 2014, Women for one – ‘My Brand New Start’
- April 2015, ‘My feminine winter (A Menstrual Story)’
- July 2015, Mind Body Soul Magazine ‘Self-Love and our Cycles’
- August 2015, ‘Pre-menstrual Syndrome: Curse or Cure?’
- October 2015, ‘Are you connecting with your womb wisdom?’
- November 2015, ‘My brand new start, how to be reborn in the freezer of the Earth’
- July 2016, ‘Girls just want to have fun?’
- August 2017, ‘Childless woman – does that make me a failure?’
- ‘Confidence from simplicity and awareness of self’
- ‘I am enough, even when I am wobbly’
- October 2018, ‘Autumnal reboot. Flying with the feminine’
- January 2019, ‘Why January is not the right time to review your year and set your goals’
- May 2019, ‘I Am Still Floating & Uncertainty Is My Certainty’
- September 2019, ‘I have no kids … but I DO have a legacy’
- February 2020, ‘Take back your feminine power, my sisters’
- April 2020, ‘The Freedom of Presence: Get Rid of the Chaos & Create Order in Your Life’
- August 2020, ‘Warrior, Follow Your Inner Wisdom & Let Go of Victimhood’