‘Fly with the Feminine’ Intensive
Would you like to live your life as an ’empowered’ woman?
Are you ready to become a woman of the XXI century?
Would you like to live your life as a pioneer?
You might wonder what does this actually mean?
Click here to download my My vision and my Invitation!
To be a woman of the XXI century means to be willing and open to discover what being a woman really entails, to become familiar about how Nature programmed the feminine body to help you grow and discover who you are.
You might be aware of personal development, different therapies that allow you to heal whatever issues might limit you to be the best of you and all this is super good!
No one though might have ever informed you about the power that your feminine cycle gives you!
Within your body and mind you can find all the tools to discover and develop yourself as much as you want and become whoever you want to be!
How does that sound to you?
So, how do you go about becoming aware of yourself and become an ’empowered’ woman?
You choose to give yourself the privilege to do an ‘Intensive’ with me!
You need to discover how your feminine cycle affects you and how it can help you as a force of Nature …
To know your feminine cycle intimately is a very practical way to embody all of who you are and, within time, become knowledgeable about yourself and to gain unlimited confidence and joy in life.
Look below and see what it comes up for you …
They look beautiful, don’t they?
You are like these wonderful water lilies which have their roots in the bed beneath the surface so, to discover your roots, you must dive into the water and go down deep …
… and,like this lion fish, dive under the surface and encounter yourself …
This process is not always that easy and being guided through it helps to unravel the truth within your body and discover your womb wisdom.
How do you do that?
Spend a day with me on an ‘Intensive’ and allow your ‘Empowered Self’ to come and meet you!
It is an unforgettable experience that will transform your life.
An ‘Intensive’ is for you if:
- you have enough of living half-heartedly
- you have already tried different therapies, but you still feel inside a voice who needs to be heard
- you are determined to give yourself the chance to discover your femininity
- you feel that you are not totally listening to your body and want to love yourself more
- you want to leave a legacy of joy and empowerment to future generations
- you want to go to a deeper level of intimacy with yourself and your partner
- you want to become your centre of gravity instead of being led but others’ expectations
- you want to find your worth and purpose in life
Have a chat with me to discuss what is it that you want out of the day and what is important to you; it will be a day tailored to your needs!
We can also see the best place to meet according to your geographical location.
For people who live outside UK, it is possible to do an ‘Intensive’ online, you will get the same results, if you are committed to allow the transformation to happen.
I am looking forward to hearing from you and helping you to meet your future Self!
Send me your details through the ‘Contact me’ page and let me know when we can talk.